Victorious Breakthrough
We at East End Baptist Church truly believe in Prayer. Worship, Prayer and Breakthroughs are all connected. It is in Prayer that we seek the face of God; it is in Prayer that we celebrate who God is. Prayer is a Response to who our Lord Jesus Christ is. Our Lord calls on us to pray, and we see over and over again our Lord Jesus tells us to ask, seek and knock. 
We at East End Baptist put Victorious Breakthrough Prayer as a top priority, we fully understand that for us to have any kind of Kingdom success it will be based and powered in Prayer.
We see Victorious Breakthrough Praying as Transformational Praying. It is God changing, transforming individuals. It is God setting people Free!!
We gather each Sunday morning from 10:30am to 10:45am to worship in prayer. Folks can gather at the altar or just sit and spend time praying.
Our Wednesday night service is focused on Victorious Breakthrough Prayer. We have a devotion that centers on prayer and after that, we have different stations set up where folks go to pray. Our Prayer stations are…
1. “Kingdom” Station – this is where we ask folks to focus on Kingdom Prayers.
2. “Calling” Station – This is where folks focus on what God has called them to do, and what God is calling East End to do for HIS glory.
3. “Temporal” Station – This is where folks are in Prayer about any temporal needs.
4. “Bold” Station – This is where folks are in Prayer and asking, seeking and knocking for God to move in BIG Bold ways.
Prayer is not praying from a defeated position, but from a Victorious position. It is not praying from earth to heaven, but from a heaven to earth perspective.
Breakthroughs will only happen through Prayer, thus we at East End Baptist are Seeking the Face of God, fixed on HIM and HIS Glory, and seeking HIS Agenda!